Healthy Pad Thai at Home! Prepare this quick and easy recipe using Nutrifam Instant Shirataki Pasta, and enjoy your favorite dish less the calories!
Prep Time: 15 mins
Cook time: 10-15 mins
Yield: 2-3 servings
- 60g tamarind paste
- 60g fish sauce
- 8 tbsp Nutrifam Coconut Sugar (depending on taste)
- 120ml water
- 1 pack Nutrifam Instant Shirataki Pasta
- 60g beansprouts
- 60g chives
- 1 clove minced garlic
- 2 medium eggs
- 120g cubed chicken fillet
- Mix together tamarind paste, fish sauce, cocosugar and water then set aside.
Pad Thai:
- Heat oil for stir fry in wok. Once heated, sauté garlic and chicken.
- Once chicken is slightly cooked, add in shiratake pasta.
- Then add in prepared sauce, beansprout and chives. Wait until pan is dry of water or until sauce is reduced.
- Once sauce is reduced, keep noodles on side of pan, add in a bit more oil for eggs to cook.
- Fry egg then top eggs with noodles. Wait until egg is cooked, give a final stir, serve and enjoy!
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